Coffee Table styling

Posted by darlingdarleenadmin on
Simple and Easy Way to Style a Coffee Table
A fun and simple way for coffee table styling and the items you need to have to make it look polished and well put together. || Darling Darleen Top CT Lifestyle Blogger #coffeetablestyling #coffeetable

Let’s be honest here…my family room coffee table does not look like this on a normal basis. Maybe in my living room, but not the family room, which usually has kids’ books piled on it, TV remotes out and homework papers everywhere. Yup, it’s a family room! Where all the kids like to congregate. But for purpose of coffee table styling, I thought my family room coffee table was much better of a coffee table than my living room, which is a smaller coffee table. I will say that when we have guests over or the house gets clean, I will organize and style the coffee table so this isn’t completely just for this coffee table styling post! I also do like have fresh flowers or a potted indoor plant on placed on the coffee table for a pop of color or greenery. And that blue ginger jar is one of my favorites to use.

I did post a coffee table styling REEL on my Instagram, so please make sure you check it out and give it a like, comment and follow!

A fun and simple way for coffee table styling and the items you need to have to make it look polished and well put together. || Darling Darleen Top CT Lifestyle Blogger #coffeetablestyling #coffeetable

Let’s talk about coffee table books! My husband thinks they are boring and pointless, but I love the weight and beauty and color from coffee table books. There is just something beautiful about them. One thing I like to do is buy the books as hardcover then take off the paper cover. It makes the book look more polish. I also do most of my coffee table shopping at the home version of this store. But you can definitely find the majority of coffee table books on amazon. I prefer interiors and fashion books. My husband prefers historical and scientific books, so I like to do a combination of both. I also like to pick up a hardcover book on places we have visited or love to visit when I am in that particular area.

Here are a few other coffee table styling posts that I have done in the past. There are so many ways to style! I also like to make sure I add a candle because they make the room intimate when the evening. Coasters are also really important to protect the coffee table from drink rings.

Another thing that I love to add and always have on a coffee table is a decorative tray. A tray is good to keep items in order and together so they don’t migrate all over the coffee table. Also, if you have a candle, this will protect your coffee table from any mishaps.

Coffee Table styling placement? Well, if you have a large square coffee table like the one pictured above, I like to do four corners of items with extra space around it. Or I like to group it in a triangle of three. I feel like the triangle of three would of worked if my coffee table books were much larger, but since they were smaller I added another stack of books to balance out the size of my tray. A rectangle coffee table works well for decorative items placed on one side of the table in a tray, while keeping the other side open for guests to use.

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